Problem: Cortisol Overload
A growing body of research on brain development connects adverse childhood experiences to toxic levels of the “stress hormone” cortisol. This can have devastating effects on a young child’s growth and development—including cycles of behavior challenges, school struggles, and troubled adulthood.

Brief increases in heart rate, mild elevations in stress hormone levels.
Serious temporary stress responses, buffered by supportive relationships.
Prolonged activation of stress response systems in absence of protective relationships.
Solution: Early Intervention
NeuroNurture is a campaign to support science-based early intervention programs for families facing adversity. Our three-year pilot of the Attachment Bio-Behavioral Catch-up (ABC) intervention will regulate infant/toddler cortisol—preventing developmental delays and giving children the opportunities they need to succeed later in life.

Locations of NeuroNurture Pilot Programs in Kansas
ROI: Return on Infants
Science-based, short-term early interventions have the potential for large, long-term savings for Kansas taxpayers. The Heckman Equation cites 13% return on investment per year, and a 7:1 benefit to cost ratio.